2 Within partner SAM

SAMs build on the Stan code we used for a basic animal model (1.5) in three key ways: (i) by implementing an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) function between the social reaction norms (SRNs) of individuals and their partners, (ii) within-individual centering of SRNs, and (iii) estimating selection gradients on SRN parameters. Note that (ii) is only applicable to study designs in which individuals are measured across multiple partners, and thus does not apply to the within partner model presented here. As is explained below, this model can effectively estimate social plasticity (SRN slopes) but does not effectively estimate assortment, due to confounding in the absence of multiple partners (2.6). The fitness model addressing (iii) is handled in a subsequent chapter ((5)). The theoretical and statistical motivation behind each of these extensions is explained in detail by Martin and Jaeggi (2021). After estimating a SAM, we also want to extract the model posteriors and subsequently estimate the assortment matrix \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{B_{\alpha}}}\), the selection gradients \(\mathrm{s_{\mu}}\) and \(\mathrm{s_{\psi}}\), and the responses to selection \(\Delta \bar{\mathrm{\mu}}\) and \(\Delta \bar{\mathrm{\psi}}\).

Here we provide a tutorial for the within-partner SAM, presented as Eq 3.1 in Martin and Jaeggi (2021), which is appropriate for sampling designs where each individual is measured interacting with a single partner over multiple time intervals, e.g. \(t= \left \{ 1,2,3 \right \}\) to index the first, second, and third observation of a focal individual with the same social partner. For clarity, we focus on the simple linear models presented in the paper, largely ignoring complications such as the inclusion of additional random and fixed effects for adjusting estimates, which can be accomplished using basic approaches for any Stan model. See the Stan Reference Manual and Stan Case Studies for further details. The detailed coding tutorials in Chapter 1 are also crucial for understanding the Cholesky decompositions, reaction norm heritabilities, and non-centered and matrix normal parametrizations used below, which we do not review again in detail.

2.1 Formal overview

The formal model for a measurement of aggression \(z_{jt}\) in focal individual \(j\) at time \(t\) is given by

\[z_{jt} = \mu_0 + \eta_{jt} + \xi_{jt}\] \[\eta_{jt} = \begin{Bmatrix} \mu_j + \left( \psi_1 + \psi_j \right)\mu_k' & \mathrm{if} \ t = 1 \\ \mu_j + \left( \psi_1 + \psi_j \right)\eta_{kt-1}' & \mathrm{else} \end{Bmatrix} \]

\[\xi_{jt} = \begin{Bmatrix} \epsilon_{jt} & \mathrm{if} \ t = 1 \\ \epsilon_{jt} + \phi\epsilon_{kt-1}' & \mathrm{else} \end{Bmatrix} \]

\[\mu_j = \mu_{\mathrm{A}j} + \mu_{\mathrm{E}j}, \quad \psi_j = \psi_{\mathrm{A}j} + \psi_{\mathrm{E}j}\] with the equivalent specification for the social partner’s aggression measure \(z_{kt}'\)

\[z_{kt}' = \mu_0 + \eta_{kt}' + \xi_{kt}'\] \[\eta_{kt}' = \begin{Bmatrix} \mu_k' + \left( \psi_1 + \psi_k' \right)\mu_j & \mathrm{if} \ t = 1 \\ \mu_k' + \left( \psi_1 + \psi_k' \right)\eta_{jt-1} & \mathrm{else} \end{Bmatrix} \]

\[\xi_{kt}' = \begin{Bmatrix} \epsilon_{kt}' & \mathrm{if} \ t = 1 \\ \epsilon_{kt}' + \phi\epsilon_{jt-1} & \mathrm{else} \end{Bmatrix} \]

\[\mu_k' = \mu_{\mathrm{A}k}' + \mu_{\mathrm{E}j}', \quad \psi_k' = \psi_{\mathrm{A}k}' + \psi_{\mathrm{E}k}'\] The random effects are assumed to be well-described by multivariate normal distributions.

\[\begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu'_{\mathrm{A}}},\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}},\boldsymbol{\psi}'_{\mathrm{A}} \end{bmatrix}^{\mathrm{T}} \sim \mathrm{MVNormal}(\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}} \otimes \boldsymbol{\mathrm{A}} ) \] \[\begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{E}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu'_{\mathrm{E}}},\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{E}}},\boldsymbol{\psi}'_{\mathrm{E}} \end{bmatrix}^{\mathrm{T}} \sim \mathrm{MVNormal}(\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm{E}} \otimes \boldsymbol{\mathrm{I}} ) \] \[\begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\epsilon}, \boldsymbol{\epsilon}' \end{bmatrix}^{\mathrm{T}} \sim \mathrm{MVNormal}(\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm{\Sigma}} ) \] We also assume that the social reaction norm (SRN) intercept and slope (co)variances are equivalent for focal (\(\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\psi}\)) and social partners (\(\boldsymbol{\mu}',\boldsymbol{\psi}'\)). The G matrix can therefore be reduced to a 2x2 matrix for all individuals in the population

\[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}}= \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{var([\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu}'])} & \mathrm{cov([\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu}'],[\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi}'])} \\ \mathrm{cov([\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi}'],[\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu}'])} & \mathrm{var([\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi}'])} \end{bmatrix}\]

The residual matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\), however, estimates separate variances and covariances for the focal and partner residuals, which allows the model to account for residual covariance and feedback effects (collectively referred to as SRN measurement errors \(\boldsymbol{\xi}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\xi}'\)).

\[\boldsymbol{\Sigma}= \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{var(\boldsymbol{\epsilon})} & \mathrm{cov}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon},\boldsymbol{\epsilon}') \\ \mathrm{cov}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}',\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) & \mathrm{var(\boldsymbol{\epsilon'})} \end{bmatrix}\] This model is, therefore, appropriate for situations where the distinction between focal and partner is semi-arbitrary, e.g. when measuring within-sex interactions or when males and females exhibit similar patterns of phenotypic variation. In this case, we make the latter assumption for simplicity. To account for differences between the responses of focal individuals and social partners, the model can simply be extended with additional parameters, e.g. specifying separate \(G_M\) and \(G_F\) matrices for males and female respective genetic (co)variances and so on.

2.2 Computational approach

As shown in Chapter 1, we can express the formal model above in a mathematically equivalent but more computationally efficient manner by decomposing the covariance matrices into matrices of correlations and SDs, using lower triangular Cholesky decompositions on the correlation matrices. For example, the genetic covariance is given by

\[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}}_{cov}= \boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}_{sd}} \boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}}_{cor} \boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}_{sd}}\]

\[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}}_{cor} = \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L}}_{Gcor} \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L}}_{Gcor}^{\mathrm{T}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathrm{cor}([\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu'}],[\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi'}] ) \\ \mathrm{cor}([\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi'}], [\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu'}] ) & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]

\[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}_{sd}}=\begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{sd}([\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu'}]) & 0 \\ 0 & \mathrm{sd}([\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi'}]) \end{bmatrix}\]

The estimation of the Kronecker product \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}} \otimes \boldsymbol{\mathrm{A}}\) is achieved through sampling of a non-centered matrix normal distribution

\[\begin{bmatrix} [\boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} & [\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} \end{bmatrix} = \boldsymbol{L_{\mathrm{A}}} \begin{bmatrix} [\boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A.std}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A.std}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} & [\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A.std}}}, \boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A.std}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} \end{bmatrix} (\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}_{sd}}\boldsymbol{\mathrm{L}_{Gcor}})^{\mathrm{T}} \]

which is appropriate for estimating values drawn from

\[\begin{bmatrix}[\boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} & [\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathrm{Matrix\ Normal}(\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L_A}} \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L_A}}^{\mathrm{T}}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L_{Gcov}}} \boldsymbol{\mathrm{L_{Gcov}}}^{\mathrm{T}} ) \equiv \\ \mathrm{vec}( \begin{bmatrix} [\boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} & [\boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}, \boldsymbol{\psi_{\mathrm{A}}}']^{\mathrm{T}} \end{bmatrix}) \sim \mathrm{MVNormal}(\mathrm{vec}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{0}}), \boldsymbol{\mathrm{G_{cov}}} \otimes \boldsymbol{\mathrm{A}} ) \]

The environmental effects are estimated with a standard non-centered multivariate normal parametrization

\[\mathrm{SRN}_{\mathrm{E}}=\left[ \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{E}}} \ \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{E}}}' \right]=\left[ \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{E.std}}} \ \boldsymbol{\mu_{\mathrm{E.std}}}' \right] (\boldsymbol{\mathrm{E}_{sd}}\boldsymbol{\mathrm{L}_{Ecor}})^{\mathrm{T}} \] The \(\mathrm{std}\) values are standard normal deviates, i.e. \(\mathrm{std~\sim Normal}(0, 1)\), that are scaled to appropriate (co)variance through the separated SD and correlation parameters.

For Bayesian estimation, we place very weakly regularizing priors on the fixed population intercept, slope, and residual feedback parameters.

\[\mu_0, \psi_1, \phi \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 1)\] As explained in Chapter 1 (1.5), we also place priors on the total phenotypic variance of the SRN intercepts and slopes, as well as SRN heritability parameters that are used to derive the additive genetic and permanent environmental variance.

\[\mathrm{sd}([\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\mu'}]), \mathrm{sd}([\boldsymbol{\psi},\boldsymbol{\psi'}])\sim \mathrm{Half-Cauchy}(0,1)\] \[h_{\mu}^{2}, h_{\psi}^{2} \sim \mathrm{Beta}(1.2,1.2) \] where

\[\mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\mu_\mathrm{A}}) = h_{\mu}^{2} \mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\mu_\mathrm{ }}) \\ \mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\mu_\mathrm{E}}) = (1-h_{\mu}^{2})\mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\mu_\mathrm{ }})\]

\[\mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\psi_\mathrm{A}}) = h_{\psi}^{2} \mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\psi_\mathrm{ }}) \\ \mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\psi_\mathrm{E}}) = (1-h_{\psi}^{2})\mathrm{Var}(\boldsymbol{\psi_\mathrm{ }})\] Priors can also be placed on the genetic and permanent environmental correlations

\[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{G}_{cor}},\boldsymbol{\mathrm{E}_{cor}} \sim \mathrm{LKJ}(2)\]

The same approach is used for decomposing the residual covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\).

\[\mathrm{sd}([\boldsymbol{\epsilon},\boldsymbol{\epsilon'}]) \sim \mathrm{Half-Cauchy}(0,1)\] \[\boldsymbol{\mathrm{\Sigma}_{cor}} \sim \mathrm{LKJ}(2)\]

2.3 Simulate data

2.3.1 SRN parameters

Here we rely on the custom pedfun() function introduced in Chapter 1 to generate an \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{A}}\) matrix. We begin by setting the population parameters and simulating the SRN intercepts and slopes of males and females, assuming as stated above that their SRN parameters are characterized by equivalent covariance matrices.


#population properties
I=300 #total individuals for simulation
ngenerations = 10
nids<-sample(popmin:popmax, ngenerations, replace=TRUE) #N / generation
epm = sample(seq(0.15, 0.25,by=0.05),1) #extra-pair mating
nonb = sample(seq(0.4,0.6,by=0.05),1) #proportion of non-breeding / generation
#relatedness matrix
A_mat <- pedfun(popmin=popmin, popmax=popmax, ngenerations=ngenerations,
                  epm=epm, nonb=nonb, nids=nids, I=I, missing=FALSE)

#Parameter values
alpha_0 = 0 #global intercept
psi_1 = -0.5 #population interaction coefficient
phi =  0.5 #residual feedback coefficient (epsilon_j ~ epsilon_t-1k)
SD_intercept = 0.3 #standard deviation of SRN intercepts
SD_slope = 0.3 #SD of SRN slopes
r_alpha = 0.3 #assortment coefficient (expressed as correlation)
r_G = 0.3 #genetic correlation of random intercepts and slopes
r_E = 0.3 #environmental correlation
r_R = -0.3 #residual effect correlation (epsilon_tj = epsilon_tk)
V_G = 0.3 #genetic variance of REs
V_E = 0.3 #genetic variance of REs
res_V = 1

#Random effect correlations
G_cor <- matrix(c(1,r_G,r_G,1), nrow=2, ncol=2) #mu_A, beta_A
G_sd  <- c(sqrt(V_G),sqrt(V_G)) #G effect sds
G_cov <- diag(G_sd) %*% G_cor %*% diag(G_sd)
E_cor <- matrix(c(1,r_E,r_E,1), nrow=2, ncol=2) #mu_E, beta_E
E_sd  <- c(sqrt(V_E),sqrt(V_E)) #E effect sds
E_cov <- diag(E_sd) %*% E_cor %*% diag(E_sd)
G_block <- G_cov %x% A_mat
E_block <- E_cov %x% diag(1,I)
#generate correlated REs
Gvalues <- rmvnorm(1, mean=rep(0,I*2), sigma=G_block)
G_val = data.frame(matrix(Gvalues, nrow=I, ncol=2))
##           X1        X2
## X1 1.0000000 0.2593618
## X2 0.2593618 1.0000000
Evalues <- rmvnorm(1, mean=rep(0,I*2), sigma=E_block)
E_val = data.frame(matrix(Evalues, nrow=I, ncol=2))
##           X1        X2
## X1 1.0000000 0.3142244
## X2 0.3142244 1.0000000
#combine temporary object for all SRN parameters
#use shorthand mu = 0, psi = 1
P = cbind(G_val,E_val)
colnames(P) = c("A0", "A1", "E0", "E1")

#individual phenotypic REs
#use shorthand mu = 0, psi = 1
P$P0 = P$A0 + P$E0 
P$P1 = P$A1 + P$E1

#add ID
P$ID = seq(1:I)

2.3.2 Assortment

We can now split the generated values into male and female values, assuming both sexes are evenly sampled so that \(N_M = N_F=N/2\). As is explained in Appendix S1 of Martin and Jaeggi (2021), we can then use a simple sorting procedure to assortment individuals on a single SRN parameter. In this case, we use the SRN intercepts \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\) for assortment, assuming random partnering with respect to the other SRN parameter combinations. A more general approach would be use to an additional social matrix \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{S}}\) to add to the relatedness matrix \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{A}}\) prior to scaling the additive genetic values.


#split male and female values + add arbitrary ID
#use P0=mu and P1=psi for shorthand
sort.m = data.frame(P0_m = P$P0[1:(I/2)], ID_m = 1:(I/2) ) 
sort.f = data.frame(P0_f = P$P0[(I/2+1):I], ID_f = (I/2+1):I)

#sort by SRN intercept value

#generate random dataset with desired rank-order correlation
temp_mat <- matrix(r_alpha, ncol = 2, nrow = 2) #cor of male and female values
diag(temp_mat) <- 1 #cor matrix
temp_data1<-mvrnorm(n = I/2, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = temp_mat, empirical=TRUE)

#ranks of random data
rm <- rank(temp_data1[ , 1], ties.method = "first")
rf <- rank(temp_data1[ , 2], ties.method = "first")

#induce cor through rank-ordering of RN vectors
cor(sort.m$P0_m[rm], sort.f$P0_f[rf])
## [1] 0.309817
#sort partner ids into dataframe (order on male ID)
partner.id = data.frame(ID_m = sort.m$ID_m[rm], ID_f = sort.f$ID_f[rf])
partner.id = partner.id[order(partner.id[,"ID_m"]),]

With the assorted ranks in partner.id, we can then structure the dataframe appropriately to match male and female partners with the desired correlation in SRN intercepts.

#put all dyads together
  partner.id$dyadn = seq(1:nrow(partner.id))
  #add values back to dataframe (male and joint)
  partner.id$P0m <- P$P0[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$P0f <- P$P0[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  partner.id$P1m <- P$P1[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$P1f <- P$P1[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  partner.id$A0m <- P$A0[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$A0f <- P$A0[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  partner.id$A1m <- P$A1[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$A1f <- P$A1[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  partner.id$E0m <- P$E0[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$E0f <- P$E0[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  partner.id$E1m <- P$E1[match(partner.id$ID_m,P$ID)]
  partner.id$E1f <- P$E1[match(partner.id$ID_f,P$ID)]
  #check correlation again
  cor(partner.id$P0m, partner.id$P0f)
## [1] 0.309817
  #check data structure
##     ID_m ID_f dyadn         P0m        P0f        P1m         P1f         A0m         A0f        A1m        A1f
## 2      1  276     1  1.28833224  0.8764878  1.3299806 -0.49270310  0.60017624  0.41789437  0.9564375  0.4119072
## 136    2  207     2  0.02167197 -1.2231656  0.8655858  0.80755682 -0.37126347 -0.61868268 -0.4630128  1.0971784
## 95     3  225     3 -0.42546691 -0.5138839  0.8811788  0.22926086 -0.21544366 -0.57071633  0.1608342  0.1610766
## 128    4  165     4 -0.47212326  0.2199462 -0.7567236 -1.30617989  0.02340309  0.15608308  0.2841768 -0.4780524
## 130    5  183     5  0.77981458 -0.5402928 -0.2969179 -0.53319754  1.01052603 -0.56720254  0.6650432  0.3070968
## 54     6  152     6  0.91853194 -1.6880674  0.1858622  0.03599021  0.09778137 -0.01406004  0.9481156  0.6970268
##            E0m         E0f        E1m         E1f
## 2    0.6881560  0.45859342  0.3735431 -0.90461030
## 136  0.3929354 -0.60448295  1.3285986 -0.28962159
## 95  -0.2100232  0.05683246  0.7203446  0.06818427
## 128 -0.4955263  0.06386307 -1.0409003 -0.82812752
## 130 -0.2307115  0.02690975 -0.9619612 -0.84029437
## 54   0.8207506 -1.67400732 -0.7622534 -0.66103659

2.3.3 Repeated measurements within the partner

For simplicity we consider a case with measurements of focal individuals and social partners taken over two discrete sampling periods, so that the time index \(t= \left \{ 1,2 \right \}\). We begin by expanding the dataframe for two measurements.

#number of dyads
ndyad = nrow(partner.id)
#expand for repeated measures
partner.id$rep <- 2 #two repeated measurements
pair_df <- partner.id[rep(row.names(partner.id), partner.id$rep),]

We can first calculate the partner residuals for each observation, which will be used in the residual feedback component of the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) function specified in the next step.

#correlated  residuals between male and females
R_cor <- matrix(c(1,r_R,r_R,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)
res_sd <- sqrt(res_V) 
R_cov <- diag(c(res_sd,res_sd)) %*% R_cor %*% diag(c(res_sd,res_sd))
res_ind<-data.frame(rmvnorm(nrow(pair_df), c(0,0), R_cov))
pair_df$resAGm = res_ind$X1
pair_df$resAGf = res_ind$X2

We can now specify our ARMA process across measurement time 1 and 2 for the latent SRN trait values for males \(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) and females \(\boldsymbol{\eta'}\), as well as the SRN measurement errors \(\boldsymbol{\xi}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\xi'}\).

#Simulate responses over t = {1,2} per partner
#add interaction number
pair_df$turn = rep(c(1,2),ndyad) 

#individual prediction at t = 1
#eta_j{t=1} = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*mu_k
pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"eta_m"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P0m"] + 
                                       (psi_1 + pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P1m"])*(pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P0f"])

#eta_k{t=1} = mu_k +(psi + psi_k)*mu_j                                                                                              
pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"eta_f"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P0f"] + 
                                        (psi_1 + pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P1f"])*(pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"P0m"])

#individual prediction at t = 2
#eta_j{t=2} = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(eta_k{t=1})
pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"eta_m"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"P0m"] +
                                        (psi_1 + pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"P1m"])*(pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"eta_f"])
#eta_k{t=2} = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(eta_j{t=1})
pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"eta_f"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"P0f"] + 
                                        (psi_1 + pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"P1f"])*(pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"eta_m"])
#add intercept and residuals (other fixed effects could be added here as well)
pair_df$AG_m = alpha_0 + pair_df$eta_m + pair_df$resAGm
pair_df$AG_f = alpha_0 + pair_df$eta_f + pair_df$resAGf
#add residual feedback process
pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"AG_m"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"AG_m"] + phi * pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"resAGf"]
pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"AG_f"] = pair_df[pair_df$turn==2,"AG_f"] + phi * pair_df[pair_df$turn==1,"resAGm"]

By adding together the SRN and residual feedback processes, we finally get the measured aggression trait values for males AG_m and females AG_f. Note that, because of the feedback process, it is more straightforward to specify these Gaussian responses by adding together their constitutive components, than by trying to sample responses directly from a distribution, e.g. such as \(z_{jt} \sim \mathrm{MVNormal}(\eta_{jt}+\xi_{jt}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma})\). We will similarly modify our basic animal model code in Stan when accounting for this ARMA process.

To aid in structuring our Stan model, we can also create some additional values and indices for males and females, which can be used to pull the appropriate focal and partner trait values from the vectors SRN parameters. The data can then be collected together in a list for Stan.

#individual indices
Im = I/2 #number of males
If = I/2 #number of females
N_sex = (I/2)*2 #total observations per sex
idm<-pair_df$ID_m #male ID
idf<-pair_df$ID_f #female ID
idf<-idf - Im #within female vector

#data prep for Stan
stan_data <-
    list(N_sex = N_sex, I = I, Im=Im, If = If, idm = idm, idf = idf,
         AG_m = pair_df$AG_m, AG_f = pair_df$AG_f, time = pair_df$turn, A = A_mat)

2.4 Coding the model

We’re now prepared to code up our formal model in Stan. The basic structure builds on the animal model presented in Chapter 1 ((1.5)) with some small changes in labels, so we only direct attention toward new features of the social animal model code. Firstly, we need to declare the new data we’re passing into the model

data {
  //indices and scalars used for model specification
  int<lower=1> N_sex; //total aggression observations per sex (I/2 * 2 repeated measures)
  int<lower=0> I; //total individuals (M + F)
  int<lower=0> Im; //number of males
  int<lower=0> If; //number of females
  int<lower=1> idm[N_sex]; //index of male AG observations (of length N_sex)
  int<lower=1> idf[N_sex]; //index of female AG observations

  //empirical data
  matrix[I,I] A; //relatedness matrix
  real AG_m[N_sex]; //male aggression measurements
  real AG_f[N_sex]; //female aggression measurements
  real time[N_sex]; //time index (1,2 per individual)

transformed data{
  matrix[I,I] LA = cholesky_decompose(A); //lower-triangle A matrix

Then we adjust the parameters and transformed parameters. For the parameters, all we need to do is change the population regression coefficient \(\beta_1\) to the population interaction coefficient \(\psi_1\) and add a new residual feedback coefficient \(\phi\). To facilitate identification, we set \(-1 <\phi < 1\). Note that for efficiency we’ve dropped the previous cor labels from the lower Cholesky correlation matrices. The transformed parameters can otherwise be left as they previously were. Note that separate (co)variances could instead be estimated here for males and females here by declaring duplicate objects with sex-specific labels (and appropriately scaled relatedness matrices).

parameters {
  //population effects
  real alpha_0; //aggression global intercept
  real psi_1; //expected interaction coefficient
  real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi; //(-1,1) ensures unique solution
  //random effects (standard deviations)
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_P; //phenotypic SRN mu & psi SDs
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_R; //male & female residual SDs

  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LG; //genetic SRN correlations
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LE; //permanent environmental SRN correlations
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LR; //sex-specific residual correlations
  matrix[I,2] std_devG; //individual-level unscaled G SRN deviations
  matrix[I,2] std_devE; //individual-level unscaled E SRN deviations
  //SRN heritability parmameters, i.e. Var(G_RN) / Var(P_RN) 
  //see supplementary appendix SI for further explanation of this parameter
  vector<lower=0,upper=1>[2] SRN_h2;

transformed parameters {
  vector<lower=0>[2] sd_G; //SDs of G effects (derived from sd_P)
  vector<lower=0>[2] sd_E; //SDs of E effects (derived from sd_P)
  matrix[I,2] SRN_P; //scaled P SRN parameter deviations
  matrix[I,2] SRN_G; //scaled G SRN parameter deviations
  matrix[I,2] SRN_E; //scaled E SRN parameter deviations

  //standard deviations of genetic effects
  //simplified from sqrt ( total RN phenotype variance * h2 )
  sd_G[1] = sd_P[1] * sqrt(SRN_h2[1]); //genetic SD for RN intercepts 
  sd_G[2] = sd_P[2] * sqrt(SRN_h2[2]);  //genetic SD for RN slopes
  //standard deviations of environmental effects (total phenotype SD * proportion environment SD)
  sd_E[1] = sd_P[1] * sqrt(1 - SRN_h2[1]); //environment SD for RN intercepts 
  sd_E[2] = sd_P[2] * sqrt(1 - SRN_h2[2]); //environment SD for RN slopes 
  //matrix normal parameterization of Kronecker product between G and A
  SRN_G =  LA * std_devG  * diag_pre_multiply(sd_G, LG)' ; 
  //non-centered parameterization of permanent environmental effects
  SRN_E = std_devE * diag_pre_multiply(sd_E, LE)';
  //phenotypic RN effects (P = G + E); here G = additive genetic effects
  SRN_P = SRN_G + SRN_E;

We could separate the male and female SRN parameters in the transformed parameters block and save them along with the other estimated parameters, but this would be redundant. Instead, we aid coding by creating temporary sex-specific vectors in the model block. We also create temporary vectors for defining the time-specific SRN trait values and residuals. As noted above, we declare the residual vectors explicitly in the model, rather than using a standard generative distribution, because we need to flexibly specify the time-lagged associations among focal and social partner residuals.

  //separate male and female vectors for efficiency
  matrix[Im,2] SRN_Pm = SRN_P[1:Im]; //male SRN phenotypic deviations
  matrix[If,2] SRN_Pf = SRN_P[(Im+1):I]; //female SRN phenotypic deviations
  //separate SRN intercepts and slopes (phenotypic deviations)
  vector[Im] mu_m = col(SRN_Pm,1); //SRN intercepts
  vector[If] mu_f = col(SRN_Pf,1); 
  vector[Im] psi_m = col(SRN_Pm,2); //SRN slopes
  vector[If] psi_f = col(SRN_Pf,2); 

  //initialize vectors for constructing individual-centered linear predictors
  vector[N_sex] eta_m; //male SRN trait value 
  vector[N_sex] eta_f; //female SRN trait value
  vector[N_sex] linpred_m; //total expected value for male responses
  vector[N_sex] linpred_f; //total expected value for female responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_m; //residual for male responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_f; //residual for female responses

We can now use a conditional statement in Stan to first calculate the SRN trait values \(\boldsymbol{\eta}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\eta}'\). Here we use the previously created indices of IDs and time stamps to ensure that each observation is appropriately matched between focal individual and social partners.

//Male and female aggression response model
for (n in 1:N_sex) {

//SRN trait values
  //assumes that n = 1 in the context of an ongoing social interaction
  //if n = 1 prior to social context, then specify eta[t=1] = mu_j instead
  if (time[n]==1)
        //male eta[t=1] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(mu_k)
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +  (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(mu_f[idf[n]]) ;
        //female eta[t=1] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(mu_j)
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(mu_m[idm[n]]);
        //male eta[t=2] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(eta_k[t=1])
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(eta_Wf[n-1]);
        //female eta[t=2] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(eta_j[t=1])
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(eta_Wm[n-1]);

The global intercept \(\mu_0\) and any other fixed or random effects of interest can then be added along with the SRN trait value subject to feedback.

//add global intercept and between-individual parameters to linear predictor
  //other fixed effects can also be added here
   linpred_m[n] = alpha_0 + eta_m[n];
   linpred_f[n] = alpha_0 + eta_f[n];

With these values in place, the initial residual value for each male and female partner at time \(t=1\) can be calculated and subsequently used to estimate residual feedback at \(t=2\), as well as to specify any remaining correlation between the focal and partner residual trait values. The parameter priors are also placed below to finish off the model block.

//residual trait values
        epsilon_m [n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n];
        epsilon_f [n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n];
       linpred_m[n] = linpred_m[n] + phi * epsilon_f[n-1];
       epsilon_m[n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n]; 
       linpred_f[n] = linpred_f[n] + phi * epsilon_m[n-1];
       epsilon_f[n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n]; 
//correlated residuals between partners
   [epsilon_m[n],epsilon_f[n]]' ~ multi_normal_cholesky([0,0], diag_pre_multiply(sd_R, LR));
} //end of for (n in 1:N_sex)

//model priors

  //fixed effects
  alpha_0 ~ std_normal();
  psi_1 ~ std_normal();
  phi ~ std_normal();
  //random effects
  to_vector(sd_P) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  to_vector(sd_R) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  LG ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  LE ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  LR ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  to_vector(std_devG) ~ std_normal();
  to_vector(std_devE) ~ std_normal();
  //reaction norm heritability
  to_vector(SRN_h2) ~ beta(1.2,1.2);

Things can be finished off by declaring the relevant generated quantities.

generated quantities{
//cor and cov matrices of SRN parameters and residuals
matrix[2,2] Gcor = LG * LG'; //G SRN correlation matric
matrix[2,2] Ecor = LE * LE'; //E SRN correlation matric
matrix[2,2] Rcor = LR * LR'; //residual correlation matrix

matrix[2,2] Rcov = diag_matrix(sd_R)*Rcor*diag_matrix(sd_R); //residual covariance
matrix[2,2] Gcov = diag_matrix(sd_G)*Gcor*diag_matrix(sd_G); //G SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Ecov = diag_matrix(sd_E)*Ecor*diag_matrix(sd_E); //E SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Pcov = Gcov + Ecov; //P SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Pcor = inverse(diag_matrix(sd_P))*Pcov*inverse(diag_matrix(sd_P)); //P SRN correlation

vector<lower=0>[2] V_P = sd_P .* sd_P;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_G = sd_G .* sd_G;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_E = sd_E .* sd_E;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_R = sd_R .* sd_R;

Putting everything together now.

data {
  //indices and scalars used for model specification
  int<lower=1> N_sex; //total aggression observations per sex (I/2 * 2 repeated measures)
  int<lower=0> I; //total individuals (M + F)
  int<lower=0> Im; //number of males
  int<lower=0> If; //number of females
  int<lower=1> idm[N_sex]; //index of male AG observations (of length N_sex)
  int<lower=1> idf[N_sex]; //index of female AG observations

  //empirical data
  matrix[I,I] A; //relatedness matrix
  real AG_m[N_sex]; //male aggression measurements
  real AG_f[N_sex]; //female aggression measurements
  real time[N_sex]; //time index (1,2 per individual)

transformed data{
  matrix[I,I] LA = cholesky_decompose(A); //lower-triangle A matrix

parameters {
  //population effects
  real alpha_0; //aggression global intercept
  real psi_1; //expected interaction coefficient
  real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi; //(-1,1) ensures unique solution
  //random effects (standard deviations)
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_P; //phenotypic SRN mu & psi SDs
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_R; //male & female residual SDs

  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LG; //genetic SRN correlations
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LE; //permanent environmental SRN correlations
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LR; //sex-specific residual correlations
  matrix[I,2] std_devG; //individual-level unscaled G SRN deviations
  matrix[I,2] std_devE; //individual-level unscaled E SRN deviations
  //SRN heritability parmameters, i.e. Var(G_RN) / Var(P_RN) 
  //see supplementary appendix SI for further explanation of this parameter
  vector<lower=0,upper=1>[2] SRN_h2;

transformed parameters {
  vector<lower=0>[2] sd_G; //SDs of G effects (derived from sd_P)
  vector<lower=0>[2] sd_E; //SDs of E effects (derived from sd_P)
  matrix[I,2] SRN_P; //scaled P SRN parameter deviations
  matrix[I,2] SRN_G; //scaled G SRN parameter deviations
  matrix[I,2] SRN_E; //scaled E SRN parameter deviations

  //standard deviations of genetic effects
  //simplified from sqrt ( total RN phenotype variance * h2 )
  sd_G[1] = sd_P[1] * sqrt(SRN_h2[1]); //genetic SD for RN intercepts 
  sd_G[2] = sd_P[2] * sqrt(SRN_h2[2]);  //genetic SD for RN slopes
  //standard deviations of environmental effects (total phenotype SD * proportion environment SD)
  sd_E[1] = sd_P[1] * sqrt(1 - SRN_h2[1]); //environment SD for RN intercepts 
  sd_E[2] = sd_P[2] * sqrt(1 - SRN_h2[2]); //environment SD for RN slopes 
  //matrix normal parameterization of Kronecker product between G and A
  SRN_G =  LA * std_devG  * diag_pre_multiply(sd_G, LG)' ; 
  //non-centered parameterization of permanent environmental effects
  SRN_E = std_devE * diag_pre_multiply(sd_E, LE)';
  //phenotypic RN effects (P = G + E); here G = additive genetic effects
  SRN_P = SRN_G + SRN_E;

  //separate male and female vectors for efficiency
  matrix[Im,2] SRN_Pm = SRN_P[1:Im]; //male SRN phenotypic deviations
  matrix[If,2] SRN_Pf = SRN_P[(Im+1):I]; //female SRN phenotypic deviations
  //separate SRN intercepts and slopes (phenotypic deviations)
  vector[Im] mu_m = col(SRN_Pm,1); //SRN intercepts
  vector[If] mu_f = col(SRN_Pf,1); 
  vector[Im] psi_m = col(SRN_Pm,2); //SRN slopes
  vector[If] psi_f = col(SRN_Pf,2); 

  //initialize vectors for constructing individual-centered linear predictors
  vector[N_sex] eta_m; //male SRN trait value 
  vector[N_sex] eta_f; //female SRN trait value
  vector[N_sex] linpred_m; //total expected value for male responses
  vector[N_sex] linpred_f; //total expected value for female responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_m; //residual for male responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_f; //residual for female responses

  //Male and female aggression response model
  for (n in 1:N_sex) {

  //SRN trait values
  //assumes that n = 1 in the context of an ongoing social interaction
  //if n = 1 prior to social context, then specify eta[t=1] = mu_j instead
  if (time[n]==1)
        //male eta[t=1] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(mu_k)
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +  (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(mu_f[idf[n]]) ;
        //female eta[t=1] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(mu_j)
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(mu_m[idm[n]]);
        //male eta[t=2] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(eta_k[t=1])
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(eta_f[n-1]);
        //female eta[t=2] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(eta_j[t=1])
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(eta_m[n-1]);

  //add global intercept and between-individual parameters to linear predictor
  //other fixed effects can also be added here
   linpred_m[n] = alpha_0 + eta_m[n];
   linpred_f[n] = alpha_0 + eta_f[n];
  //residual trait values
        epsilon_m [n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n];
        epsilon_f [n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n];
       linpred_m[n] = linpred_m[n] + phi * epsilon_f[n-1];
       epsilon_m[n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n]; 
       linpred_f[n] = linpred_f[n] + phi * epsilon_m[n-1];
       epsilon_f[n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n]; 
  //correlated residuals between partners
   [epsilon_m[n],epsilon_f[n]]' ~ multi_normal_cholesky([0,0], diag_pre_multiply(sd_R, LR));

//model priors

  //fixed effects
  alpha_0 ~ std_normal();
  psi_1 ~ std_normal();
  phi ~ std_normal();
  //random effects
  to_vector(sd_P) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  to_vector(sd_R) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  LG ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  LE ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  LR ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  to_vector(std_devG) ~ std_normal();
  to_vector(std_devE) ~ std_normal();
  //reaction norm heritability
  to_vector(SRN_h2) ~ beta(1.2,1.2);

generated quantities{
//cor and cov matrices of SRN parameters and residuals
matrix[2,2] Gcor = LG * LG'; //G SRN correlation matric
matrix[2,2] Ecor = LE * LE'; //E SRN correlation matric
matrix[2,2] Rcor = LR * LR'; //residual correlation matrix

matrix[2,2] Rcov = diag_matrix(sd_R)*Rcor*diag_matrix(sd_R); //residual covariance
matrix[2,2] Gcov = diag_matrix(sd_G)*Gcor*diag_matrix(sd_G); //G SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Ecov = diag_matrix(sd_E)*Ecor*diag_matrix(sd_E); //E SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Pcov = Gcov + Ecov; //P SRN covariance
matrix[2,2] Pcor = inverse(diag_matrix(sd_P))*Pcov*inverse(diag_matrix(sd_P)); //P SRN correlation

vector<lower=0>[2] V_P = sd_P .* sd_P;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_G = sd_G .* sd_G;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_E = sd_E .* sd_E;
vector<lower=0>[2] V_R = sd_R .* sd_R;
}", "sam3_1.stan")

2.5 Estimating the model

We can now use our simulated random sample to estimate the full quantitative genetic SAM, and we’ll run the the model for additional iterations to promote sufficient sampling of the individual-level parameters. A quick plot of the model results can give us an indication of whether the converse directions of the true SRN feedback (-0.5) and residual feedback (+0.5) processes are being appropriately estimated, as well the accuracy of recovering the total phenotypic variance (V = 0.6) and the genetic (r = 0.3), permanent environmental (r = 0.3), and residual (r = -0.3) correlations.


sam_3.1 = stan_model("sam3_1.stan")

stan_results3.1 <- sampling(sam_3.1, data=stan_data, init = 0, warmup=1500, iter = 3000,
                         chains=4, cores=4, control=list(adapt_delta=0.90) )

mcmc_areas(stan_results3.1, pars = c( "psi_1", "phi", "V_P[1]", "V_P[2]", "Gcor[2,1]", "Ecor[2,1]",
                                      "Rcor[2,1]",  "Pcor[2,1]", "SRN_h2[1]", "SRN_h2[2]"), prob = 0.9 )

Despite the modest sample size for a quantitative genetic study, the SAM does a good job of detecting the opposing directional effects of SRN and residual feedback, as well as of residual and intrinsic trait value correlations. It is also noticeable that, despite the greater uncertainty in the genetic and permanent environmental correlations, the overall phenotypic variance is more precisely estimated. Thus, even when pedigrees are not sufficiently informative to confidently infer genetic effects, SAMs can still be used to estimate evolutionary parameters on phenotypes.

2.6 Failure to detect assortment

We can attempt to estimate the assortment coefficient matrix, following Eq. 4 of Martin and Jaeggi (2021), with posterior distributions for the assortment coefficients for SRN intercepts and slopes given by

\[ \beta_{\bar{\mu'}\mu} = \Pr \left ( \frac{ \mathrm{cov}( \boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\bar{\mu}'}) } {\mathrm{var}(\boldsymbol{\mu})} \mid \boldsymbol{z}, \boldsymbol{z'}, \boldsymbol{\Theta} \right ) \] \[ \beta_{\bar{\psi'}\psi} = \Pr \left ( \frac{ \mathrm{cov}( \boldsymbol{\psi}, \boldsymbol{\bar{\psi}'}) } {\mathrm{var}(\boldsymbol{\psi})} \mid \boldsymbol{z}, \boldsymbol{z'}, \boldsymbol{\Theta} \right ) \] The posterior of the full assortment coefficient matrix is

\[\boldsymbol{ \mathrm{B}_{\alpha}} = \Pr \left ( \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{\bar{\mu'}\mu} & \beta_{\bar{\psi'}\mu} \\ \beta_{\bar{\mu'}\psi} & \beta_{\bar{\psi'}\psi} \end{bmatrix} \mid \boldsymbol{z}, \boldsymbol{z'}, \boldsymbol{\Theta} \right ) \]

We can manually calculate this posterior matrix by post-processing the MCMC samples from our model. In this case, we only need to organize the male and female responses together and calculate the appropriate (co)variances, as each individual has a single partner. We therefore arbitrarily treat males as focal individuals, as the coefficient is equivalent in this case for both sexes.

#extract posteriors
post <- rstan::extract(stan_results3.1)

SRN_focal1 <- post$SRN_P[,(1:Im),1] #male intercepts
SRN_focal2 <- post$SRN_P[,(1:Im),2] #male slopes

SRN_partner1 <-  post$SRN_P[,(Im + unique(idf)),1] #female intercepts 
SRN_partner2 <-  post$SRN_P[,(Im + unique(idf)),2] #female intercepts

#assortment matrix
Beta_alpha = list()
#generate matrices across each posterior sample
  for(j in 1:nrow(SRN_focal1))
            Beta_mat = matrix(NA,2,2)
            #mu' ~ mu
            Beta_mat[1,1] =  cov(SRN_focal1[j,], SRN_partner1[j,])/var(SRN_focal1[j,])
            #mu' ~ psi
            Beta_mat[2,1] =  cov(SRN_focal2[j,], SRN_partner1[j,])/var(SRN_focal2[j,])
            #psi' ~ mu                                                        
            Beta_mat[1,2] =  cov(SRN_focal1[j,], SRN_partner2[j,])/var(SRN_focal1[j,])
            #psi' ~ psi
            Beta_mat[2,2] =  cov(SRN_focal2[j,], SRN_partner2[j,])/var(SRN_focal2[j,])
            Beta_alpha[[j]] = Beta_mat

#extract beta_mu'mu (assortment on RN intercepts)
Beta_mu = unlist(lapply(Beta_alpha, function(x) x[1,1]))
## [1] 0.0153979

Perhaps surprisingly, we see that the model is not doing a good job of detecting the positive assortment between partners’ SRN intercepts (r = 0.3), instead centering the assortment coefficient near to zero. Given our sample and effect size, it is unlikely that this would be caused by conservative model priors, and we’ve seen above that the model is doing a good job of estimating the other population parameters such as the interaction coefficient/SRN slope. Why would this be the case, given that this same approach is effective for estimating assortment in the between partner (3) and within-and-between partner SAMs (4)? In these latter models, variation across partners can be used to differentiate within-partner plasticity (SRN slopes) from between-partner assortment using within-individual centering. This leads to appropriate recovery of the assortment coefficient from the posterior SRN parameters, as individuals’ SRN parameters are accurately adjusted for between-individual heterogeneity in the social environment. However, in the within partner model, individuals only have a single social partner, and we’re unable to partition and adjust the random effect accordingly. For this reason, although the within partner model can provide accurate estimates of social plasticity and other population parameters, assortment is better estimated with multiple partner designs and within-individual centering.

2.7 Phenotypic model

Note that a phenotypic version of this within partner model can easily be specified by simplifying the random effects to a single set of phenotypic SRN intercepts and slopes.

data {
  //indices and scalars used for model specification
  int<lower=1> N_sex; //total aggression observations per sex (I/2 * 2 repeated measures)
  int<lower=0> I; //total individuals (M + F)
  int<lower=0> Im; //number of males
  int<lower=0> If; //number of females
  int<lower=1> idm[N_sex]; //index of male AG observations (of length N_sex)
  int<lower=1> idf[N_sex]; //index of female AG observations

  //empirical data
  real AG_m[N_sex]; //male aggression measurements
  real AG_f[N_sex]; //female aggression measurements
  real time[N_sex]; //time index (1,2 per individual)

parameters {
  //population effects
  real alpha_0; //aggression global intercept
  real psi_1; //expected interaction coefficient
  real<lower=-1,upper=1> phi; //(-1,1) ensures unique solution
  //random effects (standard deviations)
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_P; //phenotypic SRN mu & psi SDs
  vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[2] sd_R; //male & female residual SDs

  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LP; //P SRN correlations
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] LR; //sex-specific residual correlations
  matrix[I,2] std_devP; //individual-level unscaled P SRN deviations


transformed parameters {
  matrix[I,2] SRN_P; //scaled P SRN parameter deviations

  //non-centered parameterization of permanent environmental effects
  SRN_P = std_devP * diag_pre_multiply(sd_P, LP)';


  //separate male and female vectors for efficiency
  matrix[Im,2] SRN_Pm = SRN_P[1:Im]; //male SRN phenotypic deviations
  matrix[If,2] SRN_Pf = SRN_P[(Im+1):I]; //female SRN phenotypic deviations
  //separate SRN intercepts and slopes (phenotypic deviations)
  vector[Im] mu_m = col(SRN_Pm,1); //SRN intercepts
  vector[If] mu_f = col(SRN_Pf,1); 
  vector[Im] psi_m = col(SRN_Pm,2); //SRN slopes
  vector[If] psi_f = col(SRN_Pf,2); 

  //initialize vectors for constructing individual-centered linear predictors
  vector[N_sex] eta_m; //male SRN trait value 
  vector[N_sex] eta_f; //female SRN trait value
  vector[N_sex] linpred_m; //total expected value for male responses
  vector[N_sex] linpred_f; //total expected value for female responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_m; //residual for male responses
  vector[N_sex] epsilon_f; //residual for female responses

  //Male and female aggression response model
  for (n in 1:N_sex) {

  //SRN trait values
  //assumes that n = 1 in the context of an ongoing social interaction
  //if n = 1 prior to social context, then specify eta[t=1] = mu_j instead
  if (time[n]==1)
        //male eta[t=1] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(mu_k)
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +  (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(mu_f[idf[n]]) ;
        //female eta[t=1] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(mu_j)
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(mu_m[idm[n]]);
        //male eta[t=2] = mu_j + (psi + psi_j)*(eta_k[t=1])
        eta_m[n] = mu_m[idm[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_m[idm[n]])*(eta_f[n-1]);
        //female eta[t=2] = mu_k + (psi + psi_k)*(eta_j[t=1])
        eta_f[n] = mu_f[idf[n]] +   (psi_1 + psi_f[idf[n]])*(eta_m[n-1]);

  //add global intercept and between-individual parameters to linear predictor
  //other fixed effects can also be added here
   linpred_m[n] = alpha_0 + eta_m[n];
   linpred_f[n] = alpha_0 + eta_f[n];
  //residual trait values
        epsilon_m [n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n];
        epsilon_f [n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n];
       linpred_m[n] = linpred_m[n] + phi * epsilon_f[n-1];
       epsilon_m[n] = AG_m[n] - linpred_m[n]; 
       linpred_f[n] = linpred_f[n] + phi * epsilon_m[n-1];
       epsilon_f[n] = AG_f[n] - linpred_f[n]; 
  //correlated residuals between partners
   [epsilon_m[n],epsilon_f[n]]' ~ multi_normal_cholesky([0,0], diag_pre_multiply(sd_R, LR));

//model priors

  //fixed effects
  alpha_0 ~ std_normal();
  psi_1 ~ std_normal();
  phi ~ std_normal();
  //random effects
  to_vector(sd_P) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  to_vector(sd_R) ~ cauchy(0,1);
  LP ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  LR ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2);
  to_vector(std_devP) ~ std_normal();


generated quantities{
//cor and cov matrices of SRN parameters and residuals
matrix[2,2] Gcor = LP * LP'; //P SRN correlation matric
matrix[2,2] Rcor = LR * LR'; //residual correlation matrix

matrix[2,2] Rcov = diag_matrix(sd_R)*Rcor*diag_matrix(sd_R); //residual covariance
matrix[2,2] Gcov = diag_matrix(sd_P)*Pcor*diag_matrix(sd_P); //P SRN covariance

vector<lower=0>[2] V_P = sd_P .* sd_P
vector<lower=0>[2] V_R = sd_R .* sd_R;
}", "sam3_1P.stan")


Martin, J. S., and A. V. Jaeggi. 2021. “Social Animal Models for Quantifying Plasticity, Assortment, and Selection on Interacting Phenotypes.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13900.